Cost-effectively improve your organization’s resilience with strategic intelligence
Identifying and mitigating threats to executives, employees, and business locations is mission-critical for organizations looking to ensure the safety and security of your personnel, meet your firm’s duty to care obligations, and provide business continuity and resiliency.
RANE can help you meet these challenges, with valuable insights and proven expertise:
Safeguard global assets
Stay more informed with risk intelligence on emerging threats to ensure safety and security of employees and business locations.
Understand how geopolitical events impact the security environment in a country/region impact your organization.
Assess travel security issues and decide if travel should be postponed or to propose alternatives.
Broaden your risk lens
Take a more holistic view of risk across categories, including cybersecurity, physical safety + security, legal + compliance, and geopolitical risk.
Understand your organization’s exposure to the intersection/overlap of physical security and cybersecurity.
Increased bandwidth
Augment your team by providing them with research, analysis, and project support for both short and long-term risks.